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Icam liaisons : the wood industry is a passion for Icam

01 July 2019


The industrial strategy for each sector enables us to innovate, support existing businesses and prepare for the future. The wood industry is an important one in the context of sustainable development, so necessary in today's world. We have chosen this topic for our regular feature, which is dedicated to an industrial theme. It's a topical issue: the French government is planning to promote the use of wood in construction to protect the environment.
The law on the future of agriculture, food and forestry provides for a strategic forest and wood fund. Many ICAMs are active in this field, and we were able to obtain some fascinating testimonials.
Our Focus turns to Central Europe, through a major growth country: Poland. More than 900French-ownedcompaniesare based there. Icam employees are also present and tell usthat they are thriving there. Three partnerships have been developed with Polish universities: we talk about them, and take the opportunity to explain why there are 60 partnerships worldwide.
We also report on our AGM in mid-June, a major annual event that provides an opportunity to discuss our future direction and encourage exchanges. On the ground, we need to keep up the momentum of our alumni association. We're expecting a lot from the class delegates, whose role we'll be clarifying.
We also want to develop volunteer work through the missions we have defined. I encourage you to look at the list of possibilities on our website, and to sign up quickly, young and old alike.
Following the introduction of a "Portrait of a company director" section, our magazine is breaking new ground with an article entitled "The day of an Icam", in the Employment section.
Last but not least, we are strengthening our "School life", "Spirituality" and "International"sections: for your enlightenment and reflection.

Enjoy your reading,

Jean-Yves Le Cuziat ( 82 ILI) - June 2019

Chairman, Association des ingénieurs Icam


DOSSIER: The wood industry is a passion at Icam

FOCUS: Poland

- Let's bring our Association to life together
- Icam Association AGM: summary
- "Icam à Vie": a major project

- Icam joins Parcours Sup
- Poland: university partners in a country on the move!
- Launch of Icam's 10th campus in the Democratic Republic of Congo


PORTRAIT: Ghislain Billaudel (92 ILI), a company manager

- 3 questions to... our chaplain Hubert Hirrien, sj
- Readings recommended by our chaplain
- Student and Catholic life, 3 questions to Loïc, an Icam student involved in pastoral care
- Penboc'h: a Jesuit spiritual center for the corporate world
- Work, a common good to be protected
- Living the ecological conversion together

- A day in the life of an Icam engineer
- Interim Management, and everything becomes possible again
- My experience as an interim manager

INTERNATIONAL: A young Congolese entrepreneur: Jules Gracias Malonga Bibila (A 2008)