
Icam launches Lean and Operational Excellence 5.0 training courses

11 December 2024 School life
Viewed 200 times

The Icam Lille site, in partnership with the Icam Strasbourg-Europe site and EasyLean+, is launching a support and training offer in operational excellence, aimed at companies that meet their strategic and societal objectives via lean 5.0. At the heart of the company's strategy, this approach will enable the development of human and technical skills to deploy continuous improvement throughout the organization, thus creating more value with less effort, stress, workload and resources; a recognized solution for decarbonization and business resilience.

Starting in spring 2025, Icam will be offering its employees the opportunity to enhance their skills in lean 5.0 transformation management and its associated tools: Yellow Belt, Green Belt and Black Belt; training courses tailored to their needs on our site and on the premises.

In a dedicated 200 m2 space featuring a 5.0 excellence platform unique in Hauts de France and a digitalized production line, learners will carry out concrete training-action with individual coaching of their project.

"L'école du Lean et Excellence Opérationelle 5.0a Booster of added value and team motivation

Exclusive to the Icam Lille site".

IF you are committed to your company and need to train your staff, please contact Anne-Sophie Desjours-Roaux.

Further information: https: //

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