
Managing complexity: a rich subject that calls for a follow-up

12 December 2024 Professional life
Viewed 224 times

How does the manager get ahead in a VICA environment? When and how is it complex? What attitudes and behaviors should be favored? What tools are available?

Trained by Bernard Bougon sj and Philippe Bénard over the past few months, 4 Icam engineers, coaches and managers launched a new series of workshops for Icam managers at the last Mardi Vie Pro of the year.

In three 10-minute panels, we outlined the concept of complexity, the attitudes and behaviours that managers should adopt, and a number of concepts to be explored in greater depth, such as authority and "professional purpose", drawn from Ignatian teachings.

Complexity, a concept introduced by Matthieu BABEAU (103 Toulouse), is distinguished from "complicated" by the unpredictable or uncertain nature of events and situations. Complex problems cannot be solved by simply dividing them into a succession of small issues. Faced with this complexity, Benoit COUSIN (95 Lille)outlined a number of attitudes or behaviors to be favored as a manager: he or she seeks to remain aligned, bring meaning and invite co-creation. To face up to these complex situations, it's important to know oneself well, to remain authentic and to show inner security and stability. He needs to anchor himself in the present and set himself precise objectives. Josselin BERT (101 Nantes) presented a number of tools, including the powers and virtues of the manager, the three types of authority and the principle of purpose. This principle, which is a way of expressing one's professional and personal vocation, brings inner security and freedom to the manager.

These presentations were followed by discussions in small groups, always remotely. Finally, the large-group feedback session enabled ideas and suggested improvements to be shared. Concrete questions were asked: "Should we give employees a second chance? When or with whom should we appear weak?

All in all, the subject appeared too rich and dense to be covered in an hour-and-a-half webinar. The survey launched at the end of the session showed that participants were keen to pursue their thoughts and discussions in more focused sequences on specific, concrete topics.

Intergenerational management, cited as one of the current preoccupations of some participants, is the subject of the Icam meetings on Friday March 21, 2025. It's a great opportunity to get back to the drawing board, in person on an Icam campus, and in a convivial atmosphere with the students this time.

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